Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Lust For...

I spent my entire Valentine's evening glued to my laptop last night. It was like any other night, but I was feeling especially in the mood for lust on a day that we celebrate love. Before you start groaning thinking this is yet another antic to display my undying love for my baby (who slaved over a hot grill to serve up the best Valentine's Day 4-courser all you priviledged couples get to enjoy on a Monday night), I'll have you know the things I lust for are beyond the usual. But perhaps most of you lady friends can relate...

I have decided that I am going to go against all polls and opinions on the furry fad, and come out of the closet with my love for things with ears. And paws. Maybe I spend way too much time with my cat, pretending we're the best friends of frolicking amongst dandelions in the grass, nibbling on cat nip...although that doesn't sound too far off from the reality that is my life...but gosh dammit I loooong for pointy little ears! This also explains my teenage obsession with elves and how it sadly drove me to the point of buying pointy ear covers that made me look like Spock's wife no less. Now the question remains of WHEN I might be able to wear such things and I say Lady GaGa is coming to town in less than a month and I am going to wear an extra pair of ears dammit.

Lustful item number 2 (I have started something that will cease to end, expect a shit tonne more blogging), will be a nommable. If you ever happen to look at my Pandora bracelet, you will find a cupcake. If I could glue one of these designer babies onto it, or just have one of them hanging from my damn chain my life would be that much better. It's just one of those things where if I saw them in a window I would have both hands plastered to the glass, face smooshed in like a 3 year old at a candyshop. And if the image to your left isn't enough to make you wanna go "Awwwww" and then cover your face with designer icing then perhaps the Betsey Johnson or Chanel ones will. Get at me for more photos.

I really have to thank Bear for destroying my life with amazing fashion blog links. Dainjah ouuuut.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's been a year...

Which calls for an update. Maybe I'll only do this once a year. It's a cozy time of year, one will find that it is usually snowing or raining outside. Which tends to lead one into a state of permanent laziness, the kind where you lounge around in your undies, checking up on the interwebz regulars - cuteoverload, youtube, deviantart, vicemag, fml, etc, etc. And just in case you were wondering, totally NOT doing that right now...

Alright alright, so totally doing that right now. Which explains why it's taken me half an hour to write one measly paragraph. Facebook chat will be the end of my blogging, with its inconsistency and irritating msg sounds, you'd think with billions of dollars facebook admins would work on having a reliable chat system that doesn't make you offline to the rest of your friends. I will admit though, the chat emoticons are pretty entertaining. If you don't know how to send a robot to someone, you haven't lived.

My brother and Dad came into Ottawa for a visit last week. Jesse (broham) and I did Harry Potter 7, but it was more myself on the verge of tears everytime someone died and Jesse passed out for almost the entire duration of the film. It's funny, I never cried while reading the book, but I am definitely one of those people that gets really worked up over dramatic soundtracks and cinematics in general. Just don't be surprised when we're watching TV together and you happen to look over to find me quietly sobbing over an iPhone 4 commercial. It gave me goosebumps. No joke.

I suppose this is enough for now, my tummy grumbles for spaghetti and I just realized that my intention to "plan ahead" and take hamburger out of the freezer has been foiled once again by the wonders that is the internet. But they didn't put defrost on the microwave for nuttin.

Love, me.

Monday, November 30, 2009

First Snowfall

I have been wandering for some time now. If you asked me for how long I would tell you it felt like a lifetime. I've been waiting for the softness that comes with first snow. The kind that covers the lands and architecture alike around us. And as the purity of white slowly takes over...

I feel that I will finally succumb to the inevitable sleep. It is useless to resist the changing of the seasons.