I have decided that I am going to go against all polls and opinions on the furry fad, and come out of the closet with my love for things with ears. And paws. Maybe I spend way too much time with my cat, pretending we're the best friends of frolicking amongst dandelions in the grass, nibbling on cat nip...although that doesn't sound too far off from the reality that is my life...but gosh dammit I loooong for pointy little ears! This also explains my teenage obsession with elves and how it sadly drove me to the point of buying pointy ear covers that made me look like Spock's wife no less. Now the question remains of WHEN I might be able to wear such things and I say Lady GaGa is coming to town in less than a month and I am going to wear an extra pair of ears dammit.
Lustful item number 2 (I have started something that will cease to end, expect a shit tonne more blogging), will be a nommable. If you ever happen to look at my Pandora bracelet, you will find a cupcake. If I could glue one of these designer babies onto it, or just have one of them hanging from my damn chain my life would be that much better. It's just one of those things where if I saw them in a window I would have both hands plastered to the glass, face smooshed in like a 3 year old at a candyshop. And if the image to your left isn't enough to make you wanna go "Awwwww" and then cover your face with designer icing then perhaps the Betsey Johnson or Chanel ones will. Get at me for more photos.
I really have to thank Bear for destroying my life with amazing fashion blog links. Dainjah ouuuut.
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